All information provisional. Some on invitation only.
19:00 - Horseracing Course
Opening Ceremony, Drawing of the Launch
Morning 17:00 - Crews only
Crews inflate and prepare their balloons for take-off
17:00 - Racecourse opens to the Public
Throughout the day, floor activities, refreshments and snacks, children animations.
17:00 - 21:00 - Airshow
Parachuting, Paramotors, World Champion of Aerobatic Flying, Former World Champion Gyroplane demonstration, Ultra Light Planes, Tethered Balloons.
20:00 - Racecourse's restaurant opens to the public
Special Take-Off menu
21:15 until 22:15 - Audiovisual Show
History of aviation in the Pau region
22:30 - Night Glow Hot Air Balloons
22:45 - Take-Off
National anthems are played when the balloons depart into the night sky
Hot Air Balloons flying twice daily (launching in the morning at sunrise and 2 hours before sunset)
Evening Gala:
Price-Giving and Awards Ceremony